Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What were they thinking?

Being a parent can be a tough job. Each thing that happens in the life of a parent and child is a learning experience. No classroom for this stuff.
But there are some things that should be common sense. If we all just had a little more common sense.
I have been collecting news briefs that have run in the paper about parents and here are my nominations for the Best Parent award.
The man from the Quakertown area who left his 6-week-old son in the car while he did his drug deals. “I wish I never did it,” he said in an act of conscience (was he upset because he left his kid in the car or because he was caught dealing?).
The Pa. man who left his 16-month-old son in the car while he shopped for porn. He “made an honest mistake” the man said in his own defense.
The western Pa. woman who played the role of a stripper at her teenage son’s birthday party. Apparently their plans to ride go-carts fizzled.
The Montgomery county woman who held a drinking party for her teenagers and their friends and took her daughter and a 14-year-old boy to a hotel where she left them overnight.
The New Jersey woman who drove the getaway car during a bank robbery by her twin 14-year-old daughters. Mom picked out the bank, the toy gun and cut the eyeholes in the nylons the girls used as masks, according to the prosecution. Keeping it all in the family, I see. A day out with the girls. A bonding experience.
Where were these people in the line when they gave out the brains -- or the common sense?


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