Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring arrives

Spring arrived about two weeks ago at my house. While the calendar says it comes on March 20, I know differently. All the signs are there.
Yes, the trees are starting to bud and the bulbs are sprouting up, but the biggest -- and most annoying sign -- is the all-you-can-eat buffet that has been set up by the birds in our gutters!
At dawn’s early light they are in there, picking away at I don’t know what -- and I really don’t care.
Actually, I do care. I’m a night person. I hate mornings. I hate mornings even more when I am woken up by rat-tat-tats coming from the area of the roof. And the sun is barely up.
I know it’s just starting. Pretty soon, we’ll go to sleep with the windows open and wake up -- very early -- to the sound of the birds singing. It’s a lovely sound, but couldn’t they just wait until about 8 a.m.?
At least it’s not woodpeckers. That’s a different story I’ll save for another time.