Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thank a teacher

Nov. 16 is the first day of the National Education Association’s American Education Week. Aside from parents, there is no group of people more influential in our children’s lives than their teachers.
I can still remember the teachers I had during my years in the Great Valley School District -- the fourth-grade teacher who let me be the first to read a new book because she knew my father was in the hospital at the time, or the sixth-grade teacher who increased my fascination with science by bringing in cow parts from the local butcher for us to dissect.
Now it’s my daughter, Kate, that’s influencing a future generation. After a few years of working in research, she decided that she wanted to make a difference in the lives of students and inspire others -- in particular females -- to go into science, so she went into teaching.
She is now an AP biology teacher in Maryland and just loves her work. She is so proud of her students -- especially last year’s class valedictorian who went to University of Maryland (where my daughter went) and majored in environmental science and policy/biology, just like Kate.
So thank a teacher for influencing and making a lasting impression on you and future generations.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! Thank all the teachers! I can't tell you how many times I have blessed my teachers for making my life better. Growing up in West Chester during the 50's, I didn't always appreciate all of my teachers (sorry Mr. Pearl) but they got me through college and then grad school!

July 9, 2009 at 9:05 AM 

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