Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Spam (the food -- if you want to call it that)

Last fall we went to North Carolina’s Outer Banks for the wedding of friends Wendy and Brian -- we call them Brendy.
A group of friends rented a house for a week and shared meals together. Everyone brought food to share, but we brought one thing I was sure only my husband would eat -- Spam. It nowhere near the top of my favorite foods list (although I really can’t understand since I’ll eat scrapple). He loves it. Of course, that’s not saying much since he discovered haggis when he went to Scotland and ate it almost every day while he was there. He was in the Navy for a few years, so I think he’ll eat pretty much anything.
Well, was I surprised.
I begrudgingly cooked it for him one morning for breakfast and two friends, attracted by the scent of something cooking, arrived in the kitchen. They tried it and loved it and eventually went out and bought some for themselves.
No longer can I kid him about his taste in food.
My husband has a new motto: Turning the world on to Spam, one slice at a time.


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