Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A unwelcomed visitor

Went to use the grill last night for the first BBQ of the season. Seems it was already in use.
A bird had built its nest there -- sheltered from all the elements and predators. A cozy spot filled with pine needles.
Every spring I tell my husband he can’t trim any bushes around our property until well after nesting season so we don’t disturb the birds. So when we opened the grill and saw the nest -- which filled the interior space of the rather large unit -- he just looked at me. Do I have to leave this one undisturbed too!!
There’s going to be one very upset bird today. They can have the trees, but not my grill.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We too had an unwelcome visitor in our gas grill. I went to uncover it to get it ready for the season and on one of the side shelves was a neatly coiled black snake. It looked at me and I looked at it, we screamed and I ran inside. A few days later, I checked again.It was gone, but threaded through the inside of our grill was about a four foot long snake skin.No dummy this snake, it had a dry place for the winter!!

July 25, 2008 at 8:45 AM 
Blogger Dr Zibbs said...

Hmmm. Free dinner. I hope at least you saved the receipt for the chicken.

July 28, 2008 at 2:08 PM 

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